Have you ever wondered how you pronounce Dohne?

We have …..

Hence the concept for this project evolved.

Many people cannot pronounce the name Dohne correctly.

The breed has many attributes but the take up by the mainstream sheep and wool industry is in part due to the fact that there is not a strong name recognition or association with the name.

We came up with the idea to use children to deliver a genuine and candid message of how to pronounce the name.

The purpose of this video is to increase the brand footprint in the Australian and International marketplace. It tackles the issue of the name head on.

11 country children were given a series of words to pronounce.

When we put the name Dohne in front of them the results were exactly what we were looking for.

Through humour and candid capture, we have been able to record their reactions of attempting to pronounce the name and then to their reactions of saying the name correctly.

The video was released 5 days ago and the feedback has been fantastic. We have had over 1000 views in this time and counting.