Young joined composite ewes make $270 on AuctionsPlus

First-cross-ewesAlthough numbers were back and clearance rates are low that didn’t stop some strong prices being reached with a line of 1.5-2.5-year-old Composite ewes from Mingbool, SA, topping at $270.

These young ewes are SIL to Highlander rams (NZ Maternal) with the ewes consisting of Cashmore Oaklea blood. These girls are heading across the border into Victoria to drop their lambs.

Another standout line of second cross Australian White ewes made $242 in this week’s Tuesday Sheep Sale. These ewes hailed from Nevertire, NSW and are SIL Australian White rams and will be making the trek south into the heart of the Riverina in NSW.

Sheep numbers decreased by 15,316 head from last week’s AuctionsPlus listing to total 53,200 head.

Widespread rainfall is needed badly over large parts of the Eastern States, not only for livestock producers but also for farmers in the cropping game too.

First cross ewe numbers were low in this week’s listings but a line of ewe lambs from Pulletop, NSW managed to make it over the try line (unlike NSW). The line of 11-12 monthold ewe lambs are heading south into Victoria and are ready to join to the ram of choice.
Ewes and lambs were also low in numbers but that didn’t stop a line of first cross ewes and lambs from Kingston, SA from making an impressive $380. This line of two-year-old ewes and lambs are ready to join, along with sappy 30kg lambs at foot. Another line of first cross ewes from the same vendor also made a notable $358, well done.
Out with the old and in with the new, as New season lambs increase in volume each week, with the breakdown below;
27kg to 29kg made $81 to $90 to average $86 or 303c/kg live
30kg to 32kg made $85 to 132.50 to average $102 or 339c/kg live
33kg to 35 kg made $95.50 to $115 to average $105 or 314c/kg live
36 kg + made $118 or 316c/kg

Wether lambs were in supply this week with large numbers coming from Northern NSW. Weights for Merino wethers varied from 20-40kg live with current seasonal conditions having a significant impact.

A line of September/October 2016 drop Merino wethers from Coonamble, NSW made $92. These trade wethers weighed 39.7kg live and are heading south into Victoria.

Another line of September/October 2016 drop Merino wether lambs from Muckadilla, QLD made a solid $90.

These lambs were at the heavier end weighing 40.7kg live. On the lighter end of the spectrum a line of 33.5kg Merino wethers from Tullibigeal, NSW made $83 with the wethers consisting of Mumblebone bloodlines.

The Tasmanian Sheep Sale had a large listing this week of almost 1,600 head. A line of station mated Merino ewe hoggets from Melton Mowbray, TAS made $111.

The rising two year old girls are joined to Redside fine wool Merino rams. Merino wethers from Orford, TAS also made top dollar with a line of September/October 2016 drop weighing 48.3kg making $101.
