Young handlers sought for international youth conference

CharolaisYoung members of the Charolais Society will have the chance to represent Australia at the Canadian Charolais Youth Conference this year.

At the last International Charolais Annual General Meeting it was agreed to contribute to an international Youth Event.

Each year a host country will invite one delegate from each member society of International Charolais to attend their nominated Youth Event.

The inaugural event will be Canadian Charolais Youth Conference in Brandon MB in July 2018.

This will bring together Charolais youth from many countries to network and develop skills together along with the host countries participants.

We are seeking one individual member aged 18 to 22 years (1st July 2018) to represent the Australian society in Canada next year.

This is a great opportunity and if you fit the age group we strongly recommend you give it consideration.

The winning applicant must be a member of the Charolais Society of Australia, either Full, Youth or Intermediate.