Proven first-cross ewe breeders top at $210


These composite ewes SIL to White Suffolks from Benalla sold for $220.

The proven first cross breeders ranged from $140 to $210 on AuctionsPlus last week.

This top price was achieved by a line of 1.5 year old ewes, weighing 67kg from Bridgewater on Loddon, VIC, SIL to White Suffolk rams.

Merino ewe listings fell sharply to 6,600 head, down 3,500 on last week.

Supply is subsiding from restockers and breeders as the wheels are already in motion for Autumn and Spring Lambers.

Merino hoggets ranged in price from $55.50 to $168 for a line of 51kg, 17 to 18 month old ewes from Springhurst, VIC. Young Merino breeders aged 2 to 4 years saw a similar span in prices, ranging from $80 to $137.50 for a line of 55kg, 2.5 year old ewes scanned in lamb to Border Leicester rams from Mannanarie, SA.

Older Merino breeders aged 4 to 6 years old saw the same trend as the prices ranged from $80 to $150. Highlights saw a line of 2 to 5 year old,  67kg ewes from Hillston, NSW, SIL to Poll Dorset rams bring top price of $150.

A bump in the offering of wether and wether lambs saw 10,500 offered this week coupled with great clearance as 76% sold.

Average price for wether lambs stays consistent at $84, the same as last week. Prices ranged from $63.50 to $109 with top price being a line of May/June drop 40kg wether lambs from Rochester, VIC, which had a 1” skin, a boost earnt with what they’re carrying on their back, given the wool market.

Older Merino wethers were in lesser supply but sold well to average $93. Prices ranged from $70.50 to $119.50, topped by 2 year old wethers, weighing 47kg from Avenel, VIC, with a 0.5” skin.

First cross ewes had an offering of 3,000 this week with an even split between ewe lambs and older proven breeders.

The ewe lambs ranged from $113 to $149, topped by a line of 44kg, 10 to 11 month old ewes from Balldale, NSW.

Store Lamb Highlights – we see the first listing of the new season of lambs for 2018!

• 2nd cross Poll Dorset mixed sex lambs weighing 24kg from Ariah Park, NSW made $97 or 402c/kg live

2017 Drop

• Composite mixed sex lambs weighing 38kg from Lockhart, NSW made $119.50 or 316c/kg live

• 2nd cross Poll Dorset mixed sex lambs weighing 36kg from Peak Hill, NSW made $116.50 or 324c/kg live

• Poll Dorset/Merino mixed sex suckers weighing 38kg from Coolac, NSW made $115.50 or 305c/kg live

• Border Leicester/Merino mixed sex suckers weighing 37kg from Bollon, QLD made $75.50 or 205c/kg live

• White Suffolk/Merino mixed sex lambs weighing 37kg from Armidale, NSW made $104 or 283c/kg live