Merino ewe lambs in demand to top at $226

Ewe-lambs-jamestownMerino ewe lambs achieved 100% clearance as they sold between $128 and $226 to average $180, an increase of $3 on the previous week.

A/c ‘JK Hagger & Son’ from Jamestown, SA offered the top priced lot of 160 Merino ewe lambs (pictured).

The future breeders are Jun-Jul 19’ drop, weigh 59kgs, have a 25mm skin on their backs and will travel to Moama, NSW.

Merino ewe hoggets also experienced a dearer price trend, increasing $15 to average $245.

Selling between $170 and $306, the top price was achieved by 425 Merino ewe hoggets, offered by A/c ‘Woodpark Poll Merino Stud’ from Hay, NSW. The August shorn ewes are 13-15 months old, weigh 60kgs and are heading north to Narromine, NSW.

Young Merino breeders (2-4 years) also followed the positive market trend. They sold between $173 and $206, averaging $190, easing $3 on last week.

The top price was attained by 410 NSM Merino ewes by A/c ‘HA & JM Watkin’ from Hillston, NSW. The Ridgeway Advance and Glenlee Park blood ewes have a 20mm skin on their back, are 4 years old and weigh 61kgs.

Proven Merino breeders (4+ years) were priced from $124 to $216, averaging $178, up $17. A/c ‘Lal Lal’ from Trundle, NSW with their offering of 300 NSM ewes topped the category. The Plevna blood ewes have a 5mm skin, are 2.5-5.5 years old, weigh 67kgs and will remain locally.

Merino wether lambs were met by solid demand, the 28,052 head offered achieved 96% clearance.

Prices increased, selling from $83 to $150, averaging $118, up $8 from last week. The highest price of the category hailed from Nyngan, NSW with 750 trade wether lambs, run out the gate into two lots of 375 head, offered by A/c ‘M.N & L.M Kennedy’.

The lambs are Jun-Jul 19’ drop, weigh 53kgs, have a 5mm skin and will travel to Murray Bridge, SA.

Merino wethers were $13 dearer, they sold between $119 and $143, averaging $131. A/c ‘J&M Andre and Co’ from Furner, SA offered 300 Merino wethers which topped the category.

The Lorelmo Poll Merino blood wethers are 3 years old, weigh 54kgs, have a 4mm skin and will cross the border into Warrnambool, VIC.

First cross ewe lambs followed the same upward trend as the Merino’s, increasing $23 to average $290 and prices ranged from $206 to $345.

The top price went to 305 future breeder ewe lambs offered by A/c ‘CM Smith’ from Nyngan, NSW. The Dunnield blood lambs are Jun-Jul 19’ drop, weigh 69kgs, have a 10mm skin and will travel to Cumnock, NSW.

There was a handful of first cross ewes offered this week, they sold between $226 and $350 to average $247.

From Dunedoo, NSW, A/c ‘RHJ & WJ Taylor’ offered the highest priced lot of 84 SIL ewes. The Langdene Merino & Talbragar Border Leicester blood ewes are 2 years old, weigh 70kgs and have a 110mm skin on their backs.

Ewes with Lambs at Foot (LAF) were one of the few categories to ease this week; they sold between $180 and $383 to average $309, back $49.

The top price was achieved by 400 Dohne ewes with 430 lambs, offered by ‘Ma, AM, CJ Mannion’ from White Cliffs, NSW. The Chiminup blood ewes are 3-4 years old, weigh 76kgs with a 40mm skin; their lambs are 2-4 months old and weigh 31kgs.

Store lamb numbers were steady on last week with 8,852 offered online. They were met with significant demand, achieving 87% clearance and prices ranging from 251c to 514c, to average 393c. Highlights include:

– Jun/Jul 20’ drop, 25kg, White Suffolk/Merino mixed sex lambs from FRANCES, South Australia sold for 514c or $109

– Apr/May 20’ drop, 28kg, Poll Dorset/Merino mixed sex store lambs from INVERELL, New South Wales sold for 464c or $130

– Apr/May 20’ drop, 32kg, White Suffolk/Poll Merino wether suckers from GUNDAGAI, New South Wales sold for 416c or $133

– Apr/May 20’ drop, 33kg, White Suffolk/Poll Merino mixed sex suckers from KEITH, South Australia sold for 415c or $135

– Apr/May 20’ drop, 36kg, 2nd X White Suffolk/Merino mixed sex suckers from CANOWINDRA, New South Wales sold for 406c or $145

– Apr/May 20’ drop, 33kg, Poll Dorset/Poll Merino mixed sex suckers from GUNDAGAI, New South Wales sold for 402c or $133
