Fly and pain relief options plus tail length in sheep webinar

flystrike-8A webinar on spring lamb marking and tips on sheep health for those west of the Newell Highway will be held on Friday, September 17 at 12.30pm.

In the second session of the Summer Webinar Series, District Veterinarians Justine McNally and Shaun Slattery are giving an overview of the key procedures at lamb marking.

They will cover best practice techniques to avoid those once in a decade lamb marking disasters and longer term animal health issues. This will include:

  • what vaccines to use, and vaccination must dos.
  • why getting tail length right is important
  • fly protection options for wounds in the light of insecticide resistance
  • pain relief options
  • why drenching lambs at marking is usually pointless.

The aim of the webinar is to help you set up your lambs for not only the coming months but for their lifetime.

They will also touch on basic ewe management procedures that can be performed at lamb marking to optimise what is achieved when you have the mob in the yards.

In 20 minutes it will give you key steps to ensure the best outcomes for your lamb mob, with the aim to maximise survival to weaning and long term production goals.

Additional sessions to come over the next couple of months, include:

  • Five tips at weaning – help maximise animal health with simple strategies
  • Culling – who Ewe need to expel
  • Preparing Ram flock for joining – the five Ts and other tips to avoid joining disasters
For more information, contact Justine McNally, District Veterinarian with North West Local Land Services on or 0428 299 133.