Julie Collins MP is the incoming Minister for Agriculture
The Australian Alliance for Animals congratulates The Hon Julie Collins MP on her appointment as the new Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, and thanks outgoing Minister Murray Watt for his leadership over the past two years.
“I welcome the great honour to serve as the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry in the Albanese Labor Government and thank the Prime Minister for this new challenge,” Minister Collins said.
“Agriculture plays a vital role in our country, and our national economy continues to rely on a strong and diverse sector.
“As a representative of so many incredible farmers in my own electorate, I am committed to engaging and listening to our rural communities and representing Australia’s farmers in the Albanese Labor Government.
“I look forward to continuing the good work of my colleague Senator Murray Watt, alongside my role as Minister for Small Business, and congratulate my colleague Senator Anthony Chisholm on his new role as Assistant Minister for Agriculture.”
Alliance for Animals Policy Director Dr Jed Goodfellow said the animal welfare sector looked forward to continuing its constructive relationship with the Albanese Government on animal welfare with Minister Collins in the role.
“Animal welfare is an increasingly important component of the agriculture portfolio and an essential element of industry sustainability,
“The Australian community cares deeply about animal welfare and expects the government to make it a priority by ensuring national policy and standards reflect their values towards animals,
“94% of Australians support laws that ensure animals are provided with a good quality of life and 85% support animal welfare laws reflecting community expectations and best-available science,
“Under Minister Watt’s leadership, the Albanese Government has taken action on all of its animal welfare election commitments, including:
- passing legislation to commence the phase out live sheep exports by sea
- re-establishing national leadership by renewing the Australian Animal Welfare Strategy, and
- building on the Inspector-General of Animal Welfare and Live Animal Exports,
“Minister Watt’s successful tenure in the Agriculture portfolio will leave a lasting legacy for animal welfare in Australia,
“Our members and their 2 million-plus supporters thank Minister Watt and the Albanese Government for these achievements to date,
“We look forward to working with Minister Collins on continuing this important progress for animals and the Australian community.”
The Australian Alliance for Animals is a national charity leading a strategic alliance of Australia’s key animal protection organisations with a combined supporter base of over 2 million people. Core members include Animals Australia, Humane Society International Australia, World Animal Protection Australia, Compassion in World Farming, FOUR PAWS Australia, and Voiceless, the animal protection institute. Website: www.allianceforanimals.org.au.