Jim Wedge new director on Angus Australia board

Angus-Australia-At the Annual General Meeting, conducted in Ballarat on May 18, the President, Mrs Libby Creek, advised the following elected Directors would form the 2017 Angus Australia Board:

from South Australia: Mrs Libby Creek (President);
from Victoria: Mr Brad Gilmour (Vice-President);
from NSW: Dr Laurence Denholm, Mr Dean Fredricksen and Mr Sam White;
from Queensland: Mr Brett Piraner and Mr Jim Wedge (new in 2017);
from Western Australia: Mr Lindsay Wolrige;
and, from Tasmania: Mrs Samantha Dobson and Tony Seymour (Optional Appointed Director).

The President also acknowledged the contributions of retiring Directors, Mr Mike Gadd and Mr Perry Gunner.

Mike Gadd served as a Director since 2007, including terms as President (2013-2014); Vice-President (2011-2012); and, Chairman of the Marketing Committee (2009-2010), Breed Development Committee (2011-2012) and World Angus Forum Committee (2016).  Mike also served as a Director of Certified Angus Group Pty Ltd between 2015-2016 and represented Angus Australia on the Australian Registered Cattle Breeders Association.

In his short time as a Director of Angus Australia, Perry Gunner contributed to many aspects of the Board’s activities, including serving as Chairman of the Angus Foundation.

-Angus Australia