January 3, 2016

With the proper consideration and right planning decisions being made, this area could be turned into something truly world class.
NSW Farmers has called for a world-leading sustainable food production precinct and innovation hub within the planning framework for the new Western Sydney Airport.
The association made this recommendation, amongst others, in its submission to the draft Environmental Impact Statement currently on exhibition.
NSW Farmers’ President Derek Schoen said farmers had called on the NSW and Commonwealth Governments to work together to ensure that planning and zoning decisions in relation to the Western Sydney Airport enabled NSW to take full advantage of increasing agricultural airfreight export opportunities.
“With the proper consideration and right planning decisions being made, we could turn this area into something truly world class.
“Agriculture in Sydney Basin is already hugely important. We want to protect our industry in this region and importantly, use the opportunity that the construction of an airport presents to really grow the value of agricultural airfreight from not just the region, but from the whole state.
“Our vision also includes innovation to reduce aircraft noise as well as a ‘science park’ incorporating a show room for Australian food and fibre and new agricultural technology.
“There is a huge opportunity here to do something great for communities and for agriculture.
“We look forward to being involved in further conversations on this issue with the relevant government agencies in the coming months,” Mr. Schoen said.
-NSW Farmers Association