The workshops will include a practical demonstration on how diseases impact the production of an animal.
A series of workshops aimed at increasing farmers’ awareness of sheep health issues and providing disease prevention and identification information will take place at four locations across the Wheatbelt this month.
Four workshops, conducted by WAFarmers and supported by a number of sponsors, will be held in Badgingarra, Boyup Brook, Tambellup and Wickepin, and will see guest speakers from the Department of Agriculture and Food WA and Zoetis, as well as private veterinarians and producers.
WAFarmers Livestock Council President John Wallace said the initiative would help producers to detect endemic livestock diseases earlier, thus reducing the potential for biosecurity issues in Western Australia.
“In the workshops, farmers will gain an understanding about a number of key sheep diseases which can cause considerable problems for businesses,” Mr Wallace said.
“Additionally, they will encourage sheep producers to avoid bringing diseases onto their properties by using good biosecurity practices, such as knowing the health status of the sheep before they are introduced to the flock by asking suppliers for a Sheep Health Statement.
“After our first workshop in September last year, participants said the session was very informative and had highlighted the importance of biosecurity and the impacts of disease on the profitability of a farming business, so I would encourage all people within the industry to attend and develop their understanding of these issues.”
The workshops will include a practical demonstration on how diseases impact the production of an animal, and will highlight the subsidies available to help support disease investigations.
Sponsors for the workshops are: the Sheep and Goat Industry Funding Scheme, Landmark, WoolProducers Australia, Primaries, Zoetis, West Midlands Group, Elders, Gudair, Stud Merino Breeders Association of Western Australia, and Allflex.
Workshop details
- Badgingarra Research Centre | Wednesday 9 March, 9.30am – 3.00pm
- Rylington Park, Boyup Brook | Tuesday 15 March, 9.30am – 3.00pm
- Tambellup Sports Pavillion | Thursday 17 March, 9.30am – 3.00pm
- Wickepin Community Centre | Tuesday 22 March, 9.30am – 3.00pm
Bookings essential. RSVP to kimhaywood@wafarmers.org.au or call (08) 9486 2100.