The Killalea family run Angus and F1 and F2 Shorthorn Angus cross breeders, using Ardrossan Angus genetics and Sprys Shorthorn bloodlines, supported by a well planned AI program.
Holbrook breeders, Oliver, Tony and Marg Killalea have been awarded the 2015 Weekly Times Coles Beef Farmer of the year.
The family turn off up to 600 steers annually with the aim of turning off 500 – 550kg steers at 14- 15 months off grass.
Steers are bought in during Autumn with the aim to have them turned off prior to the end of the Spring feed.
They also run a 120 head cattle breeding herd to compliment their trading business. The Killalea family run Angus and F1 and F2 Shorthorn Angus cross breeders, using Ardrossan Angus genetics and Sprys Shorthorn bloodlines, supported by a well planned AI program.
AI allows them to access leading Sprys genetics whilst Sprys Shorthorns are able to progeny test leading genetics in a commercial operation.
“We love the Shorthorn’s calm temperament, conformation, hybrid vigour and the superior udders on females,” Marg said.
The Killaleas provide the carcass feedback straight to Sprys with last years Shorthorn Angus cross steers achieving an MSA Index score range of 59.19 to 63.37.
Originally, Ardrossan blood Angus cows were purchased for their breeding program, as 3 in 1 units, with Shorthorn cross calves at foot and PTIC to Shorthorns again. The Killaleas were so impressed with the calves, they have continued this formula to date.
Achieving high compliance is critical to the operation. “We’ve found the cross gives us excellent temperament, do ability and the capacity to turn steers off quickly.” Tony said. “Temperament is so important. The story cattle never do well.”
Marg described the heifers “as the bonus.” Fertility from the cross is a key feature, with the cross bred females maintaining excellent fertility, including AI pregnancies. “The F1 first callers have been perfect little factories.”
The Killalea program is always extremely impressive to see, turning of 500 – 600 steers annually, with a breeding herd and a Poll Dorset stud run on 400 Hectares in the 700mm rainfall of the Wantagong valley between Holbrook and Jingellic.