At the close of Thursday’s markets the eastern states restocker lamb indicator finished on 525¢, up 3¢/kg cwt on where it finished the previous day.
- Merino lambs were back 4¢, at 482¢/kg cwt
- Light lambs were back 4¢, at 515¢/kg cwt
- Trade lambs were back 3¢, to 526¢/kg cwt
- Heavy lambs held firm, at 523¢/kg cwt
- The mutton indicator gained 8¢, on 342¢/kg cwt
Lamb numbers surged at Wagga this week, yarding 42,000 head. Conditions continued to hold firm, with supplementary-fed lines making up the bulk of the yarding. Those in shorter skins off Lucerne attracted strong competition, with all major export and domestic processors operating fully.
Mutton throughput increased 3%, to 9.300 head. Quality was mixed, with all weights and grades on offer.
- Light weight 2 score old lambs to restockers eased 11¢, to 579¢/kg cwt
- Trade weight 3 score old lambs to processors jumped 6¢, to 519¢/kg cwt
- Extra heavy weight 4 score old lambs averaged 512¢, up 2¢/kg cwt
- Medium weight 3 score Merino ewes were 55¢ dearer, at 380¢/kg cwt