In the prime market at Wodonga, the Braniff family, Corryong, topped the market with purebred steers, 665kg, making 311c/kg or $2070, and Long Gully Livestock, Taminick, sold 620kg heifers for 298c/kg or $1848.
Widespread rain helped buoy the nation’s store and prime markets in May with grown Hereford steers topping at $2070 and heifers at $1848.
The demand for quality breeders stepped up a notch with PTIC Hereford females selling to $2000 while lotfeeder requirements for backgrounding cattle continued.
At Wodonga, Fairfield Nominees topped the store market at $1310 with a pen of steers weighing 448kg and making 292c/kg while H & R Long sold Hereford cows, eight years, with calves to six weeks for $1620.
The Paton family, Tallangatta, topped the Wodonga market during the month with older steers, 521kg, 0-2 teeth, selling for $1515, and the seconds weighing 460kg at $1350.
In the prime market at Wodonga, the Braniff family, Corryong, topped the market with purebred steers, 665kg, making 311c/kg or $2070, and Long Gully Livestock, Taminick, sold 620kg heifers for 298c/kg or $1848.
At Bairnsdale, two-year-old Hereford steers, weighing 597kg, offered by J Saldaneri, Nungurner, topped the overall grown steer category at $1600.
Earlier in the month, grown Hereford steers had opened the Bairnsdale autumn store sale with a bang by topping the overall yarding at $1470.
The 17-18 month-old steers, weighing 522kg and Yalgoo blood, were sold by David and Penny Lucock to Rodwells Sale.
In NSW, a consignment of Hereford cows in prime condition, aged six to eight years and PTIC to calve July, topped their category at the Dubbo store sale at $1210 for vendor Malcolm Leader, Binnaway
In South Australia, Eldra Pastoral sold March-April 2015 drop EU and PCAS accredited Eldra and Bendulla blood weaned Hereford steers, 357kg, at $1140 or 319c/kg to O’Connor & Graney, Mount Gambier.
In Western Australian markets, Cunyu Partners, Wiluna, sold a run of 91 purebred steers, 443kg, for $1217 or 274c/kg at Muchea. Hereford yearling heifers, averaging 369kg, topped the Great Southern market for D & D Bray at $1231 and the steer portion, weighing 359kg, made $1228 or 342c/kg.
T & M Scott & Son sold Hereford heifers into the Boyanup market, 635kg, for $1587.
Hereford feeder steers topped Victoria’s first interfaced store cattle sale at Myrtleford on May 27, with a pen of 18-20 month-olds weighing 507kg making $1520 or 299c/kg. In the same market, PTIC Hereford cows, 2-3 years, with calves, returned $2000.
Hereford cows, two to three years, Bowmont and Yarram Park blood, with calves, and not rejoined, made $1680 on AuctionsPlus. The cows had fresh 91kg calves and headed interstate to South Australia.
PTIC Black Baldy cows, four to five years, from Nundle, NSW, sold on AuctionsPlus for $1575, and PTIC Black Baldy heifers, two years, from Rylstone, NSW, fetched $1575.
Second calf Black Baldy cows, with calves, were sold by Knapdale Pastoral into the Echuca market for the category high of $1600 to local restockers.
Cull bull prices remained strong with Hereford bulls selling to $2496 or 241c/kg at Wodonga.
In the Hereford infused pens, Red Angus-Hereford cross steers, 266kg, sold at Wodonga for $910 or 342c/kg. Gelbvieh-Hereford cross weaner steers from Finchley Pastoral, Delegate, sold to $1530 at the Bairnsdale sale.
Beef Master-Hereford cross yearling steers, 10-14 months, 313kg, from Mitchell, Qld, fetched $875 on AuctionsPlus.
Hereford cross weaner steers from Hollow Station, Josephville, impressed buyers at Beaudesert, Qld, to sell for $870 while Santa-Hereford cross weaners from Mt Maroon Grazing sold for $865 and the heifer portion for $700.
At Silverdale, Qld, 14-month-old Hereford cross steers from Colin Ward returned 280c/kg or $1110.
The Eastern Young Cattle Indicator finished the month on 570c/kg – up from 545.75c/kg last month.
Meat and Livestock Australia reports short fed (100-120 days on feed) EU steers, weighing 380-500kg, averaging 333c/kg – up from 298c/kg last month.
In the domestic paddock sales, steers (280-350kg) averaged 309c/kg and heifers (same weight) averaged 296c/kg.
NSW over-the-hooks rates for MSA yearling steers stood at 543c/kg for 280-300kg carcass weight.