The study will consider the feasibility of constructing a 23km pipeline from Foster in South Gippsland, which would extend Victoria’s water grid to include the Yanakie area.
SOUTH Gippsland dairy farmers have welcomed the Victorian Government’s decision to fund a feasibility study into building a new water pipeline from Foster to Yanakie.
The United Dairyfarmers of Victoria said the pipeline project, if successful, would help improve water security in the area after farmers were last year forced to construct their own temporary pipelines for stock and domestic use.
”It’s great to see the State Government investing in a permanent solution for what has been a frustrating situation for dairy farmers,” UDV President Adam Jenkins said.
“These are tough times for dairy farmers everywhere with extremely poor seasonal conditions and catastrophic price cuts from major processors, so now more than ever we need to invest in water security!
“But this study, and the pipeline if it goes ahead, will go some way to relieving the pressure facing dairy farmers in Gippsland.”
The study will consider the feasibility of constructing a 23km pipeline from Foster in South Gippsland, which would extend Victoria’s water grid to include the Yanakie area.
Other issues to be covered by the study include the best methods of increasing on-farm storages.
The State Government’s announcement comes the day after major processor Murray Goulburn announced a dramatically reduced opening price of $4.31 per kilogram for milk solids for the new season.
“The dairy industry has been gutted by the mess created by the major processors and we’re all scrambling to pick up the pieces, so we welcome the State Government’s assistance,” Mr Jenkins said.