AACo wins back to back gold in Australian Food Awards

Kobe-WagyuThe Australian Agricultural Company’s beef brands have again achieved Gold medals at the Australian Food Awards (formerly the Royal Melbourne Fine Food Awards), this year for two of the company’s Wagyu brands.

A marble score 6 striploin from an animal finished on grain at Aronui Feedlot achieved a point score of 92/100, closely followed by a marble score 9 striploin from an animal finished at the company’s Goonoo Feedlot that achieved a point score of 90. The judging process for beef assesses visual appearance when raw, followed by cooking and tasting by a panel of judges to assess tenderness, juiciness, flavour and overall liking. Both AACo brands entered achieved the highest scores in their class for overall liking.

The Australian Food Awards are one of Australia’s premier fine food competitions and encompass a broad range of foods in the competition from dairy products and meats right through to breads and baked goods.

AACo Managing Director Jason Strong said the win cemented AACo’s reputation as one of the world’s premium Wagyu producers.

“This year alone, AACo has won five gold medals for our Wagyu plus a Champion trophy in highly regarded national competitions,” he said.

“These results reflect the fact that we put a lot of work into this beef – from raising the animals on some of the most beautiful cattle stations in Australia to the care and experience that goes into grain finishing and achieving consistent marbling throughout the cut.”