Whyalla Beef livestock manager Greg Krarup is appealing for Hereford steers to fill an EU-accredited branded product.
One of Australia’s biggest lot feeder, Whyalla Beef, has appealed for European Union accredited steers to supply their popular Hereford Reserve branded product.
The company has a 130-day whiteface program at their feedlots at Whyalla, Texas, Qld; Bective at Tamworth, NSW, and Peechelba at Wangaratta, Vic.
Whyalla Beef national livestock manager Greg Krarup said quality Hereford steers were being sort with a premium paid for repeat suppliers delivering a performance based steer.
Mr Krarup said the Hereford Reserve product had gained momentum but was now hamstrung by tight cattle supplies.
Hereford Reserve supplies primal cuts to high-end restaurants and retail chains throughout Europe.
“We are still producing the Hereford Reserve EU product into the EU market and we have also sold product into 14 other countries, as well as domestically,’’ Mr Krarup said.
“We can sell more product if Hereford numbers were available.’’
Mr Krarup said Hereford Reserve was launched about three years ago and catered for purebred cattle only.
“(High market prices) has been a big issue for us and supply has been tight while we were building the program and product,’’ he said.
Mr Krarup said in order to gain traction and grow the brand, a consistent supply of Hereford steers was critical.
Hereford steers are required for feedlot entry at 300-500kg liveweight, milk tooth and EU accredited, and milk and two tooth for non-EU markets.
The cattle are grain fed for 130 days and processed at Wingham Abattoir, and must grade a minimum marble score of two or better.
To date, cattle have been sourced direct from producers in all states.
Whyalla Beef pays a $9/head premium for cattle vaccinated with Bovilis MH + IBR before feedlot entry to cover the expense of the vaccine and labour to administer it.
For further information Greg Krarup can be contacted on 0429 795 993.