Angus sire benchmarking program a focus of field day

angus-cohortAngus Australia is holding an open field day at Tullimba Research Feedlot, Kingstown NSW on Wednesday 23rdNovember 2016 from 2.30pm to 4.30 pm.

The field day is open to all beef producers and industry representatives. It will provide an opportunity to:

  • Learn the latest outcomes from the industry leading Angus Sire Benchmarking Program (ASBP).
  • View approximately 400 ASBP Cohort 5 steers identified to their Angus sire. To see a list of the Cohort 5 Angus siresĀ CLICK HERE
  • See the Tullimba GrowSafe feed intake facilities in action.

The ASBP is a major R&D initiative of Angus Australia with support from MLA and industry partners such as Vetoquinol, Rangers Valley Feedlot and John Dee Abattoir. The objectives of the ASBP are:

  1. Generate progeny test data on modern Angus bulls, particularly for hard to measure traits such as feed efficiency, abattoir carcase measurement, meat quality attributes & female reproduction.
  2. Generate data for the validation & refinement of Angus BREEDPLAN.
  3. Build a comprehensive phenotype and genotype database on Australian Angus for genomic technology validation, research and development.

Tullimba is a research feedlot owned by the University of New England and located at Torryburn, NSW.

The property is approximately 740 hectares with a feedlot that is licensed to carry 1000-head. The feedlot has capacity for 480 head to undertaken individual feed intake testing through the use of GrowSafe units.