Footrot accreditation and training workshop

footrotLivestock Biosecurity Network is running footrot accreditation and training in conjunction with University of Melbourne Veterinary School’s Mackinnon Project, Livestock Contractors Association (LCA) and Goulburn Ovens Institute (GO-TAFE).

Aimed at contractors, the training will be led one of Australia’s leading consultants, Dr John Webb Ware, and will cover recent advances in footrot control.

The course is accredited by GO Tafe at Certificate 3 level in Agriculture.

When: Friday, 25th November from 9.30am-4.00pm

Where: University of Melbourne Vet School, 250 Princes Highway, Werribee, Victoria

Cost: $150

Presenters: Dr John Webb Ware Mackinnon Project and Dr Pat Kluver LBN

Click here to register:

RSVP: Monday 7th November. Get in early as places are limited. If you  have any questions call Pat Kluver 0499 077 213 or email