The experience provided Mr Hall with the confidence and knowledge to step into the position as Chair of Cattle Council’s Finance, Audit and Risk Committee.
THE Australian Institute of Company Directors course is helping the beef industry set a standard for leadership and governance.
Cattle Council board director Brett Hall undertook the AICD course earlier this year.
Mr Hall said it was recognised as a best practice course for setting director performance standards and helped him understand the complexities of the role.
“It is important that Cattle Council members can have confidence that their representative organisation has a diverse board, made up of directors with a wide range of skills and experience to guide the organisation.
“The course helps put all the complexities of being a director into context and helps participants understand its role in governance and strategy,” Mr Hall said.
“Often boards can fall into the trap of being too focussed on monitoring and supervising, rather than looking forward and working on strategic direction.”
Mr Hall said as one of the key pillars of the Beef Industry Strategic Plan 2020 – ‘Leadership and Collaboration’ – Cattle Council decided to provide leadership development and governance training for beef producers across Australia.
“It is vital for the Australian beef industry to be able to deal with complex issues, be innovative and lead transformational change.
“Beef industry leaders need to embrace the opportunity to take part in the AICD course so they have the necessary skills to have a positive influence on their industry’s future.”
The experience provided Mr Hall with the confidence and knowledge to step into the position as Chair of Cattle Council’s Finance, Audit and Risk Committee, while having the opportunity to benefit from a network of producers who had completed the course.
“Without completing the AICD course I would not have been comfortable stepping into the position without having the necessary qualifications and confidence to know that I could do the role justice.
“I would recommend that anyone who is either in a director role, or looking to become a director should consider this course,” Mr Hall said.
“It benefits participants personally and professionally, and will help them improve the performance of their organisation.”
Applications are currently open for the Australian Institute of Company Directors course, sponsored by Cattle Council of Australia and Meat and Livestock Australia.
The AICD course is a five-day comprehensive program that has been designed to focus on areas of business management and skills development that are specific to cattle producers.
The course is administered by the Australian Institute of Company Directors, and participants will undertake assessment to achieve official recognition as a Graduate of the course.
Applications are open to all grassfed cattle producers that have a desire to provide leadership within the beef industry.
Applications close midnight, 29 January 2017.
Find out more information here – http://www.cattlecouncil.com.au/events/australian-institute-of-company-directors-course