Five feature farms to be part of Project 20:20

NSW-north-coast-4Project 20:20 is a collaborative project between Dairy NSW, Subtropical Dairy, Dairy Australia and the NSW Department of Primary Industries.

The project aims to build confidence and drive profitable growth within the NSW Dairy industry. Project 20:20’s focus is to equip farmers with resources to analyse and understand their current business situation to then be confident to adapt to an ever changing market.

Five NSW dairy farms will be selected to become Feature Farms based on their exemplary management practices across business, people, animal health, feedbase and natural resource management. A feature farm will also demonstrate a sound knowledge of their farm business position and a willingness to grow and improve farm efficiency. The project envisions to select farms from different regions of NSW to promote engagement and relatability to a widely dispersed dairy industry.

The featured farms will, through the development of easily accessible resources during Project 20:20, showcase how adopting best practices across their whole farm has improved productivity and profitability. The farmers will share their individual farming journeys, recapping how they have overcame problems, adapted to change and they will detail their decision making processes.

Together with key industry influencers, such as Dairy Australia, regional dairy groups, the NSW Department of Primary industries, milk processors and other commercial providers who consult and advise dairy farmers, Project 20:20 will provide the necessary support services to aid farmers to develop customised farm business management plans to understand and monitor their business performance over time. It is believed that “while building confidence is complex, ultimately confidence will be built by farmers feeling in control of their businesses,” Roxanne Cooley Project Manager and Regional Manager of Dairy NSW.