Jock Duncombe, Duncombe & Co sold Angus Steers on behalf of Ken Howard, Grabben Gullen to a top of 345c/kg, averaging 430.6kg, $1,485.42ph.
Numbers were steady and the quality was fair to good at the SELX cattle sale last week, and trade cattle with enough shape and cover were in short supply.
Yearlings were best supplied with feeders and backgrounders purchasing the most.
Only a handful of vealers were penned and most were picked up by restockers.
Well covered grown steers and bullocks were limited while there were a few aged cattle not carrying much weight. Around 200 cows were offered.
Light restocking vealers sold to 377c/kg. The few trade vealers ranged from 322c to 364c/kg.
Feeder steers remained similar on the better bred lines selling from 270c to 348c to average 335c/kg.
Feeder heifers received 288c to 336c/kg. Heavy trade steers ranged between 300c and 314c and heifers 288c to 312c/kg.
Grown steers and bullocks over 500kg ranged from 270c to 314c while heavy grown heifers sold from 262c to 298c/kg. Medium weight 2 score cows ranged from 200c to 228c and the better covered heavy 3 and 4 scores 220c to 240c averaging 230c/kg. The best of the heavy bulls made to 245c/kg.
Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service