Macauly Harvie & Phill Butt, Butt Livestock & Property topped the XB Lamb price with $169ph on behalf of Steve & Roz Hicks, Greenshades Pasteral, Wallenbeen.
Numbers were steady and the quality was mixed in the lambs at SELX Yass last week.
There were plenty of unshorn lambs offered with a large percentage of light weights returned to the paddock.
There were reasonable numbers of shorn lambs ranging from light weights to heavy trades but heavy lambs were in short supply.
With hot weather and the drying off of feed most of the lambs are falling in yield. All the usual buyers operated and there were a few extra southern re-stockers active in a cheaper market.
Re-stocker lambs sold from $82 to $118/head. The medium and heavy trade weights ranged from $108 to $138/head.
Heavy lambs were more consistent and ranged from $148 to $168/head. Carcass prices ranged from 575c to 610c/kg on average. The best price for crossbred hoggets reached $135/head.
Sheep numbers were good and the quality was mixed with plenty of light sheep offered. A few runs of heavy weights sold to solid competition.
The market trend was easier than previous weeks. Light ewes averaged $78/head. Medium weights sold from $80 to $116 and heavy crossbred ewes reached $128/head. Most averaged 375c to 420c/kg cwt.
Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service