AgStock sold Murray Grey Steers on behalf of LJ & TJ Smart to a top of 335c/kg, averaging 369.5kg, $1237.41ph.
Light restocking steers sold to 378c and the best of the heavy veal to 320c/kg at the SELX Yass.
Number lifted slightly and the quality was plainer. Yearlings were best supplied and while there were a few pens of well finished cattle most lacked condition.
Only a limited number of grown steers and heifers in prime condition were offered and nearly 240 mostly medium weight cows were penned.
Not all the usual buyers were operating. The limited numbers of prime cattle had prices dearer to processors while quality affected the feeder price.
Light restocking steers sold to 378c and the best of the heavy veal to 320c/kg. Feeder steers eased 9c to 10c with medium and heavy weights 290c to 330c/kg.
Feeder heifers slipped 7c to 9c receiving 282c to 322c/kg. Trade steers were firm and the heifers lifted 7c/kg on the medium weights. Steers sold from 336c to 347c and heifers 285c to 320c/kg.
The limited number of grown steers that were in good condition lifted 17c selling to 310c and averaged 290c/kg. The medium weight cows were firm with restocker active on the plainer lines. 2 score cows sold from 180c to 211c and the heavy 3 and 4 scores were 4c to 9c cheaper ranging from 205c to 227c to average 223c/kg.
Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service