Mel Marshall & Greg Anderson, MD & JJ Anderson Livestock, sold these bullocks to a top of $230c/kg, averaging 1117.5kg, $2570.25ph on behalf of R & K Smith, Laggan.
Yearlings were best supplied and the feeders were active on most but very strong on medium weight heifers at SELX Yass.
Trade cattle were in very short supply.
There were a few good pens of grown heifers and grown steers were back both in quality and numbers. Around 250 cows were offered. Not all the usual buyers operated and there were a few more restockers going in a dearer market.
Trade vealers sold from 330c to 369c and medium weight heifers to restockers reached 350c/kg. Feeder steers were 6c to 12c dearer selling from 310c to 345c/kg. Heifers to feed jumped 20c and ranged from 290c to 337c averaging 330c/kg. The few trade cattle ranged from 284c for heifers to 340c/kg for steers.
Grown steers were firm to 4c/kg cheaper with breed a factor. Prices ranged from 280c to 302c/kg. Heavy grown heifers reached 284c a gain of 8c to 10c/kg. Medium weight 2 score cows lifted 8c with strong restocking competition and restocking cows lifted 15c to 20c/kg.
Processing cows sold from 202c to 219c and restocking cows reached 229c/kg. Heavy 3 and 4 scores were 4c to 7c stronger selling from 210c to 231c averaging 226c/kg.
Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service – CLICK HERE for full MLA report.