Manager David Lang and wife Anne with steers sold by Elders to a top of $1220ph on behalf of Ryrie Rutledge.
The quality of the weaners offered was good with medium weights 200-280kg best supplied and prices ranging $790 to $1020 at SELX Yass.
Heavier weights were in reasonable numbers and there were several pens of light weights under 200kg. Steers were well supplied with around 1,600 penned.
The quality did slip as the lighter cattle came through. There were a good number of buyers coming from Moss Vale, Goulburn, Wagga, Blayney and the Young districts. The market was strong throughout and equal to other weaner sales so far this year.
Light weaner steers made to $965/head, but most of the light weights averaged around 440c/kg. Medium weights sold from $790 to $1,020/head with the average range from 380c to 410c/kg.
Heavy weaners ranged from $1,060 to $1,220/head averaging 360c to 380c/kg. Light weaner heifers up to 200kg made from $620 to $700, the better supplied medium weights sold from $720 to $1,005 and the heavy weaner heifers reached $1,020/head. Most average 330c to 360c/kg live weight.
There were a few steers 12-16 month of age and sold from $1,000 to $1,300/head.
Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service – CLICK HERE for full MLA report.