Garry Apps & David Smith, Ray White Rural & Livestock Boorowa, sold 24 Angus X Cows to a top of 231c/kg, averaging 603.5kg, $1394.18ph on behalf of Widgeongully Pastoral Co.
Yearlings made up the bulk of the offering at SELX Yass yesterday and prime cattle remain in short supply with around 280 cows were offered.
Not all the usual processing orders were operating but there were a few extra restockers competing for cows and heifers. The market was dearer with the exception of the few trade cattle which were cheaper due to quality.
Trade vealers ranged from 349c to 355c and light weaner steers to restockers topped at 417c/kg. Restocking steers were firm on average but the straight bred cattle were 15c stronger and prices ranged from 318c to 364c/kg.
Restocking heifers gained 6c selling from 310c to 343c/kg. The few trade steers sold from 295c to 353c/kg for medium weights. Heifers received 306c to 314c/kg.
Grown steers and bullocks over 500kg were in very short supply and ranged from 290c to 316c/kg remaining firm.
Cows to processors were 2c to 5c/kg stronger and restocking cows were much dearer selling to similar rates for a plainer article.
Restocking cows ranged from 170c to 232c/kg. Medium weight 2 score processing cows made from 210c to 225c/kg and the heavy weights were 218c to 232c averaging 228c/kg.
Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service – CLICK HERE for full MLA report.