The BeefUp day will address a range of issues many producers in the region are facing, including the transition of on-farm businesses from one generation to the next.
Building multi-generational businesses and on-farm resilience in the face of ongoing drought will be among the topics discussed at Meat & Livestock Australia’s (MLA) BeefUp Day at Windorah in Western Queensland on April 27.
The event will also give Western Queensland beef producers the opportunity to identify what areas of research, development and adoption (RD&A) their levies should be directed towards.
Hosted by the Western Queensland Regional Beef Research Committee of the North Australia Beef Research Council (NABRC), the BeefUp forums are designed to update producers on the latest cattle RD&A and provide practical, regionally-relevant information and tools for use back home on their enterprise.
Beef producer, Nina House, Fortuna Station, Aramac, and chair of the Western Queensland Regional Beef Research Committee, said the event was an ideal opportunity for producers from throughout the region to come together to gain insights and discuss RD&A priorities.
“Conditions over the past four years have been very challenging in Western Queensland because of the dry, which is still ongoing for many producers,” Nina said.
“The BeefUp day will address a range of issues many producers in the region are facing, including the transition of on-farm businesses from one generation to the next.”
A producer consultation session will be facilitated by MLA BeefUp Day coordinator Barb Bishop, enabling producers to have their say about RD&A priorities relevant to their region.
Other presenters to feature at the Windorah BeefUp Day include:
- Steve Banney, Bush Agribusiness – Measurement is what counts in my beef business
- Barb Bishop, Barbara Bishop & Associates – Building a multi-generational business
- John Bertram, Breeding & Genetics Specialist – Lifting the performance of breeding herds
- Mark McNamee, Agri-Business Development Institute (ABDI) – Five golden rules to create a high performing agribusiness
- Nigel Tomkins, MLA’s Grassfed Beef R&D Manager – Technology transfer on property and beyond.
The MLA BeefUp Day starts at 9.30am at the Windorah Community Centre and morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and a barbecue dinner will be provided. Cost is $20 and registration is essential by 24 April. To register click here.