Ewe and lamb numbers were back this week which could indicate producers are wanting to retain ewe numbers to build back their flock sizes.
A standout line of first cross Border Leicester/Merino ewes from Naracoorte, SA made an impressive $310/head on AuctionsPlus last week.
AuctionsPlus had a total of 30,083 head of commercial stock listed on the box last week which was 20,409 head back from the previous week.
Although numbers were down we saw a clearance rate of 81%.
The top price ewes are scanned in lamb to White Suffolk and Poll Dorset rams. The 2-year-old girls are showing strong breeding traits with a life time of breeding ahead of them.
A line of Poll Merino ewes from Coreen, NSW which is located in the heart of the Riverina made excellent money this week. The young 2-year-old ewes made $221 and are scanned in lamb to Border Leicester rams. They have a solid 8 months of wool, ready for the cooler months ahead or to shear and get a handy wool cheque. The price of Merino ewes this week ranged from $91.50 through to $221/head.
Ewe and lamb numbers were back this week which could indicate producers are wanting to retain ewe numbers to build back their flock sizes.
A line of 3-4-year-old White Dorper ewes from Young, NSW made $215. The ewes are joined to Australian White rams and also have sappy Australian White lambs at foot averaging 33kg.
Store Lamb Breakdown:
27kg made $107.50
32kg to 34kg made $105.50 to $137 to average $128
37kg to 39kg made $121 to $140.50 to average $135
40kg to 42kg made $135.50 to $143 to average $139
Lamb numbers were significantly down this week, with the natural seasonal downturn in numbers as we head into the winter months. Although numbers are down some older season lambs have been making top dollar across the board. The top line of store lambs this week was from Beechworth, VIC. The September/October drop 2ndX Dorset and 2ndX White Suffolk lambs made $143 and weigh 41.4kg live.
Heavier export lambs from Oatlands, Southern Tasmanian made an impressive $163/head. The line of August/September 16’ drop mixed sex Corriedale lambs weigh 53.5 kg live.
Merino wethers sold from $95 to $130/head, with the top price for Merino wethers hailing from Savernake, NSW and Keyneton, SA. The 10-11-month-old Poll Merino wethers from Savernake, NSW could be retained as wool cutters or put onto feed to fatten. The 7-9-month-old Merino wethers from Keyneton, SA also could go either way with Nyowee and Bunyara bloodlines to support them.
The Detpa Grove White Suffolk Mated Ewe Sale was interfaced online via AuctionsPlus this week with 8 lots purchased online. Top priced lots, lot 3 and 31 both made $3,600. The sale had 16 online bidders and 21 guests viewing the sale. Well done to the vendors.
This week’s Seedstock Sheep Sale (Milton Park Suffolk) had ten lots offered with six lots selling. All of the Suffolk rams that sold all made $560 and are all heading into New South Wales. Got Rams? Why not offer them in our weekly Seedstock Sale – Contact AuctionsPlus on (02) 9262 4222 for more information.