Critical mating weights and condition scoring including yard demonstration and assessment will be covered at the workshop.
Maximising the reproductive potential of beef herds will be the focus of a workshop in central NSW on May 10.
Developed by Australia’s leading vets, cattle specialists and rural business experts, ReproActive is a specialised training workshop series designed to help maximise the reproductive potential of herds. Each module will provide a wealth of knowledge to producers, resellers and veterinarians.
- Tim Ryan, Livestock & Meat Market Analyst, Meat & Livestock Australia, – beef market snapshot 2017
- Dr Jillian Kelly, District Veterinarian, Central West Local Land Services – critical mating weights and condition scoring including yard demonstration and assessment
- Dr Scott Parry, NorthWest Vets (Event Coordinator) – joining periods and bull management and health
- Dr Matt Playford, Veterinary Operations Manager, Zoetis Australia – reproductive disease awareness and management.
Date & time:
10 May 2017 08:30AM to 10 May 2017 03:00PM
“Wingadee Station” 1700 Wingadee Road, Coonamble, NSW 2829
$50 per person