Young Merino breeder ewes sell to $232 on AuctionsPlus

WA-sheep-8Young Merino breeder ewes averaged $152 and topped at $232 on AuctionsPlus last week.

This top price went to a line of 23 month old ewes from Tintinara, SA. Sheep numbers decreased slightly for a total listing of 28,017 head.

Buyer competition remained strong with 338 individual bidders logging into this week’s sales, for a clearance rate of 85%.

Merino ewe lambs averaged $129 and topped at $183. This top price went to a line of woolly June 2016 drop Kedleston blood ewe lambs, weighing 47kg from Elmore, VIC.

Young Merino breeder ewes averaged $152 and topped at $232. This top price went to a line of 23 month old ewes from Tintinara, SA.

These ewes weigh 61kg, with a 3” skin and have been joined to white and black Suffolk rams. Mixed aged Merino ewes averaged $156 and topped at $183.

This top price went to a line of 3 to 7 year old ewes from Naracoorte, SA. These ewes weigh 63kg with a 1.5” skin and have also been scanned in lamb to Suffolk and White Suffolk rams. Proven Merino breeders averaged $144 and topped at $186.50.

This top price went to a line of 5.8 to 6 year old Roemahkita blood ewes from Kadina, SA. These girls weigh 74kg and have been scanned in lamb to Anna Villa White Sufflok rams.

Merino wether lamb numbers were strong this week and prices averaged $115 and topped at $135.50. This top price went to a line of August to September 2016 drop, Kerin Poll blood wether lambs from Bourke, NSW. These lambs weighed 38kg with a 3” skin.

Store lamb sales by weight

27kg to 31kg made $125 to $130.50 to average $128.50 or 436c live

36kg to 40kg made $105.50 to $138.5 to average $127 or 340c live

First cross ewe lambs averaged $252 and topped at $297. This outstanding top price went to a line of May to June 2016 drop lambs from Millicent, SA. These ewe lambs who are bred from Paxton Border Leicester sires and large framed west coast SA dams, weighed 52kg and have been scanned in lamb to Suffolk rams. Young first cross breeders averaged $199 and topped at $231. This top price went to a line of 20 to 21 month old ewes from Boorowa, NSW. These ewes weighed 59kg, and have been scanned in lamb to Poll Dorset rams.

Another stand out line this week was a line of 9 to 10 month old Cashmore Oakley blood Composite ewe lambs from Lucindale, SA which sold for $281. These ewes weighed 51kg and have been scanned in lamb to Cloven Hill Composite rams.

The Tasmanian sheep sale this week had a huge listing of 3,468 head listed over 14 lots. White Suffolk cross mixed sex lambs, weighing 53kg from Avoca sold for $166. Also a line of Corridale wether lambs, August to September 2016 drop, weighing 53kg from Woodbury sold for $159.
