Agriculture Victoria specialists presenting at the conference include Seasonal Risk Agronomist Dale Grey and Livestock Extension Officer Fiona Baker.
Beef producers from north east Victoria have the opportunity to ‘power up’ their business by attending the 2017 BetterBeef Conference at Alexandra on Tuesday June 20.
Agriculture Victoria’s Bindi Hunter said this year’s conference brings leading industry experts and producers together to discuss ideas to grow a beef business and manage risks.
“Cattle producers have told us after previous conferences that they value the practical information and the close interaction with technical experts, as well as making connections with other producers,” Ms Hunter said.
“This year’s program will include Tallangatta beef producer Michael McCormack, who will be speaking on how he uses artificial insemination in his commercial beef enterprise.”
“Benalla beef producer, Hannah Marriot, who is involved with the Southern Australia Meat Research Council, will provide an update on the direction of Meat and Livestock Australia’s (MLA) levy-payer funded research and development of relevance to this area.”
Agriculture Victoria specialists presenting at the conference include Seasonal Risk Agronomist Dale Grey and Livestock Extension Officer Fiona Baker.
“Dale will provide an outlook for spring, based on the drivers which may influence rainfall and temperatures, while Fiona will be talking about managing the protein balance of cattle on pasture; aiming for best performance,” Ms Hunter said.
Birkenwood Pty. Ltd. Director, Dr Rod Polkinghorne, will challenge producers on how the beef industry must strive to seek quality and consistency to compete in the highly competitive market place.
Ms Hunter said a session with Dr Pat Kluver, from Livestock Biosecurity Network, will focus on Johne’s Disease, providing an overview of how and why management of the disease has changed, and how farm biosecurity more broadly is important to producers.
“This BetterBeef conference at Alexandra will complement two other conferences to be held in Victoria this year, Hamilton on June 22 and Bairnsdale August 15.”
The conference cost of $60 includes conference notes, morning tea and lunch. An additional person from the same business is $40 and students $35. Registration and tickets are available online at https://northeastbbconference.eventbrite.com.au.