Jim Hindmarsh and Co selling Angus x Steers on behalf of Kay Hardy to a top of 346.2c/kg, av 503.2kg, $1742.2ph.
Vealers to restockers were dearer with the top end reaching 400c/kg for steers and heavy vealer heifers to feeders were firm at SELX Yass.
Numbers eased and the quality of the 600 young cattle was fair to good. Most of the yarding was yearlings and they went to feeder orders.
Prime trade cattle were limited and there was an increase in leaner cattle purchased by the trade. Grown steers were better supplied and there was a better run of heavy cows.
Medium weight feeder steers were 4c/kg cheaper and heavy weights firm and crossbreds had the biggest decreases.
Prices ranged from 300c to 365c/kg. Feeder heifers lost 10c, averaging 320c/kg. Trade heifers gained 3c to 4c on the heavy weights, selling from 295c to 312c/kg.
Grown steers and bullocks eased 4c ranging between 275c and 310c/kg. Lean grown heifers to restockers slipped 2c and ranged from 231c to 270c/kg.
Medium weight 2 score cows lost 2c with little restocking activity and received 190c to 230c, while the better covered and supplied heavy weights were firm to 4c dearer ranging from 226c to 246c to average 242c/kg.
Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service – CLICK HERE for full MLA report.
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