Feeder rates steady but still realising solid return

AuctionsplusBy Simon McKittrick, Logical Livestock Marketing

Most processors are at least two weeks out for bookings with prices remaining steady or rising 5/10c in some grades.

Best MSA types are around the $6kg HSCW, with cows at the $4.60/4.70kg.

Feeder rates have steadied but are still realising a solid return with top of the wozza black steers at $3.60/3.80c kg & heifer equivalents $3.20/3.40c kg.

It should be fairly plain sailing for the next few months, throw in a good rain event and it could get interesting as we approach spring.

After some enquiry and an email from ALPA (Australian Livestock & Property Agents) please read the following regarding the new Johnes disease cattle rules;

If your clients want a full gallery of buyers at auction, they should implement a biosecurity plan. To maintain J-BAS 7 a producer must implement an on-farm biosecurity plan, over sighted by a veterinarian by June 30, 2017 and conduct a triennial check test.

If producers do not wish to undertake testing or utilise a veterinary adviser, they can still maintain a score of J-BAS 6, by implementing their own biosecurity plan before June 30.

If nothing is done by June 30 their herds J-BAS will drop to 0, the same status as infected & suspected herds.