The Herefords Australia Board of Directors are working on implementing a new constitution to reflect the desire for change.
Herefords Australia Board of Directors has appointed Mr Bill Kee from Warringa Hereford Stud in Yarram Victoria, as Chairman of the Board.
Mr Kee has been a member of Herefords Australia since 1987, and was one of five new Directors elected to the Board this week.
In his election profile, Mr Kee who has 35 years of experience as a lawyer, said he wanted to ‘return stability and confidence to the Board, Management, Staff, and Members and to ensure that Herefords hold a strong and respected position in the beef industry’.
“There has been a substantial appetite from members for change and this has been exhibited by the election of five new directors,” said Mr Kee.
Mr Scott Hann, Truro Whiteface, Bellata NSW was elected to the role of Vice Chairman, while a newly formed Finance, Audit, and Risk Committee was created, with Director Tony Haggarty of Tamworth NSW to act as Chairman.
Directors are Geoff Birchnell, Tim Burvill, Steve Crowley, Bruce Gunning, Tony Haggarty, Scott Hann, Kevin Hillsdon, Bill Kee, Hillary O’Leary, Pat Pearce, Anne Starr, and Trish Worth.
Eleven special resolutions to amend the Constitution were put forward by a group of members and were voted on at the AGM. All eleven resolutions were defeated.
Although there was a strong vote for the changes to the constitution (full poll results will be available on the Herefords Australia website in the coming days), the required 75% of the vote was not achieved.
The Herefords Australia Board of Directors are working on implementing a new constitution to reflect the desire for change.
-Herefords Australia