Jock Duncombe, Duncombe & Co. selling 49 XB Lambs on behalf of G&S Storrier to a sale top of $190.8ph.
Heavy crossbred ewes reached $167 and heavy Merino wethers sold from $107 to $136/head at SELX on June 21.
Numbers improved while quality remained mixed. Store lambs and trade weights lacking cover were still best supplied and there was only a small run of prime trade weights.
Heavy and extra heavy lambs were consistent in quality and number. Merino lambs were back both in numbers and weight. Not all the usual buyers were operating in a firm to cheaper market.
Light store lambs and secondary trade weight lambs sold to restockers from $66 to $140/head. Trade weights were firm to $5 dearer especially on the neatly shorn heavy trades and ranged from $134 to $165/head for the medium and heavy weights.
Heavy lambs were $3 cheaper and received $140 to $174 and extra heavy weights topped at $190/head. Carcase prices averaged between 610c and 655c/kg cwt. The best of the heavy hoggets made to $170/head.
Mutton numbers were steady and the best quality lines were in the light and medium weight Merino ewes. There were several larger drafts of heavy crossbred ewes. The market was up to $15/head cheaper on the lighter Merino ewes.
Medium weight ewes sold from $100 to $124/head. Heavy crossbred ewes reached $167 and heavy Merino wethers sold from $107 to $136/head. Most averaged between 480c and 500c/kg cwt.
Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service – CLICK HERE for full MLA report.
Sale date: | 21.06.2017 | |
Yarding | 11,567 | |
Category | $ / Hd | |
Suckers | Top | $155.00 |
Aver | $141.45 | |
Lambs Merino | Top | $126.00 |
Aver | $78.68 | |
Lambs XB | Top | $190.80 |
Aver | $144.19 | |
Hoggets XB | Top | $180.00 |
Aver | $141.79 | |
Wethers Merino | Top | $145.00 |
Aver | $108.40 | |
Ewes XB | Top | $167.00 |
Aver | $138.27 | |
Ewes Merino | Top | $144.00 |
Aver | $106.61 |