Young Merino breeders make top of $227 on AuctionsPlus

auctionsplus-2Young Merino breeders averaged $148 and sold to a top price of $227 for a line from Kimba, SA, on AuctionsPlus.

These 12 to 13 month old, Greenfields blood ewes are yet to be joined and will be making the trip to Nhill in Victoria.

Sheep and lamb numbers lifted this week, with a total listing of 59,411, up almost 11,000 on last week. A clearance rate of 61% was recorded across all auctions, in a market which has stabilised.

Merino ewe lambs averaged $157 to top at $182 for a line of 50kg ewes from Wycheproof, VIC, that are rising 1 year old.

Proven Merino breeders averaged $151 and sold to a top price of $203 for a line of three year old, Hazeldean blood ewes, scanned in lamb to Tattykeel Poll Dorset rams.

These girls were sold out of Wagga Wagga, NSW and will remain in the Riverina. Older proven breeders sold from $99 to $180, to average $134.

A line of 317, six year old ewes, scanned in lamb to White Suffolk rams, from Newstead, VIC topped the market. Scanned in lamb ewes were in supply from Yunta, SA, with 1050 head selling to an average of $143.

A standout line of 525 Cashmore Oaklea Composite ewe lambs offered over five lots from Mingbool, SA, averaged $270.

These ewes are June/July 2016 drop and scanned in lamb. Weighing 68kg, four of the five lots offered will remain in SA.

First Cross ewes sold from $200 to $306, to average $265. A line of rising two year old, SIL ewes from Young, NSW recorded the top price. Border Leicester/Merino ewes from Birregurra, VIC returned the commendable price of $271.

The line of 425 ewes are SIL to White Suffolk rams and aged 11 to 12 months. Ewes and lambs averaged $227 and sold to a top price of $270 for a line of Border Leicester/Merinos from Cowra, NSW. The three year old ewes have Poll Dorset lambs at foot, averaging 17kg.

Merino wether lambs were in tight supply and even in quality this week. Prices averaged $88 to top at $90. Merino hoggets were in better supply, selling from $85 to $120, averaging $106.

Standout new season suckers included a line of 490 composite suckers from Dubbo, NSW who returned the top price of $133 or 415c/kg. Weighing 32kg, the mixed sex line was purchased out of Albury, NSW.

Another considerable line of 580 head, from Georges Plains, NSW returned $127 or 423c/kg. Weighing 30kg, these Composite lambs are March/April drop.

A considerably smaller line from Forbes returned a price of $110.50 or 307c/kg. These wethers weigh 36kg and are March/April 2017 drop.

Store lambs from Walgett, NSW, topped this week’s market. The line of 400 mixed sex lambs weighed 32kg and returned $142 or 441 c/kg. Additionally, a line of 41kg lambs from Warren, NSW made $135.50 or 328 c/kg and were purchased out of Grenfell, NSW.