Proven Merino breeders averaged $191 to top at $250 for a line of 2-4 year old ewes & lambs from Euroa, VIC on AuctionsPlus.
These ewes presented in forward condition with 22kg cross-bred lambs at foot. Collarenebri, NSW was in supply of SIL ewes with 1484 head being offered from a single vendor, across 4 lots.
All consisting of Karbullah bloodlines and SIL to rams of the same breeding, the ewes were sold as rising 3 and 4 year olds, to average $212.
Sheep and lamb numbers improved yet again, increasing by 5734 head to a total offering of 65,145 head. However, in a softening market, the overall clearance rate slipped to 45% across all auctions.
Merino ewe lambs averaged $134 to top at $141.50 for a line of 39kg ewes from Young, NSW, that are rising 1 year old.
Young Merino breeders were in similar supply but eased in quality on last week with an average of $151 and top price of $180. Ewes from Young and Wallendbeen, NSW enjoyed the top price and are both SIL, rising two years old.
Older proven breeders averaged $139, topping at $217 for a line of 162 ewes from Bordertown, SA with a 2.5-3” skin. The rising six year old ewes have 188 mixed sex lambs at foot, averaging 17kg.
Merino wether lambs were even in quality this week, averaging $102 and selling to a top of $125 for a line 440 head from Glenthompson, VIC weighing 34kg. A line of 2800, February shorn, 10-11 month old wethers were offered from Cunnamulla, QLD weighing 38.5kg and returned $93. A line of 850, 12-13 month old wethers from Brewarrina, NSW with a November skin weighing 47kg, returned $125.
A line of 414 Composite ewe lambs from Casterton, VIC averaged $280 across 3 lots. Averaging 63kg, the ewes are scanned in lamb to Boonaroo White Suffolk rams. Composite ewe lambs from Heywood, VIC averaged $234.
The Pure Cashmore Oaklea Maternal Composite lambs are SIL to Southdown and Composite rams. Organic certified Dorper ewes from Cunnamulla, QLD made $197. The rising 1 year old ewes are making the 600km trip to Warialda, NSW.
Store lambs eased in supply, averaging $130 with a top price of $138. From Mudgee, NSW, the September/October drop second cross mixed sex, top priced line weighed 43kg.
New season suckers offered by a first time AuctionsPlus user from Dubbo, NSW topped this weeks auctions, returning $144. The Second Cross Poll Dorset suckers averaged 34kg and will make the trip to Cowra, NSW.
Clearance rates eased in Tasmania this week, with the majority of lots on offer consisting of SIL ewes. First cross ewes and lambs topped this weeks auctions, with a line of ewes & lambs from Avoca making $205. A line of 51kg mixed sex trade lambs from Nile made $147.