Mumblebone blood ewes top AuctionsPlus at $215

Mumblebone-ewesYoung Merino Ewes averaged $158 and sold to a top of $215 on AuctionsPlus last week.

This top price went to a line of Mumblebone blood Merino ewes from Pyramid Hill, VIC.

These ewes are 2 years old, freshly shorn, weigh 55.9 kg and have been scanned in lamb to White Suffolk rams.

Sheep and lamb number dipped slightly this week with a total listing of 28,719 head, 12, 281 down from last week. Limited supply saw clearance rates up by 6% to sit at 71%.

Proven breeders averaged $141 and sold to a top of $204. This top price went to a line of Woodpark blood Merino ewes from Dobie, VIC. These ewes are 2 to 3 years old, weigh 58.6kg with 1.5” skin and have been scanned in lamb to White Suffolk rams.

Mixed aged breeders averaged $131 and sold to a top of $143.50. Older Merino Ewes averaged $104 and sold to a top of $156. This top price went to a line of 5 year old ewes, from Curban, NSW.

The girls weigh 57.7kg with 2.5” skin and have been scanned in lamb to Poll Dorset & White Suffolk rams.

Merino wether lambs averaged $84 and sold to a top of $115.50. This top price went to a line of Kamora and Netly Park blood wethers from Karoonda, SA. These lambs are April/ May 2017 drop and weigh 37.1kg with a 1.5” skin. Wether hoggets made an average of $88.

First cross ewe lambs averaged $171 and sold to a top of $236. This top price went to a line of 11 to 12 month old lambs from Grenfell, NSW. These lambs are 58.3kg and have been scanned in lamb to Poll Dorset rams. Young first cross ewes averaged $230.

Store lamb numbers this week topped at 12,000 head and also saw a 64% clearance. The highlight lots was a 4 way split of a total of 2,750 head of Border Leicester/ Merino mixed sex lambs, which sold for $129, from Spring Plains, NSW. These lambs are March/ May 2017 drop and weigh 28.9kg.

Other highlights from this week include a line of Glen Iris Bond ewes and lambs from Nangus, NSW which sold for $225.

These ewes are 2 to 2.5 years old, weigh 61.8kg with a 3.5” skin and have Poll Dorset and White Suffolk lambs at foot. Also a line of Border Leicester/ Merino ewe lambs, from Dirranbandi, QLD sold for $147. These girls are September/ October 2016 drop and weigh 35.8kg.
