These ewes are 14 to 15 months old and weigh 51kg off shears. Proven breeders averaged $130.50 and sold to a top of $144.50.
This top price went to a line of Parkdale blood Merino ewes from Trangie, NSW. These ewes are 3 years old and weigh 53kg with 1/2” skin.
Mixed aged Merino ewes averaged $113 and sold to a top price of $156. This top price went to a line of Haddon Rig and Moorundie blood Merino Ewes from Warren, NSW.
These ewes are 2 to 6 years old, weigh 63kg off shears and have been scanned in lamb to Border Leicester rams. Older Merino ewes averaged $130.50 and sold to a top of $158.
This top price went to a line of Merryville blood Merino ewes from Grenfell, NSW. These ewes are 6 years old, weigh 59kg with 1/2” skin and have been scanned in lamb to Poll Dorset rams.
Merino wether lambs averaged $100 and sold to a top of $112, for a line of Gunbar blood Merino wethers from Balranald, NSW. These lambs are April/ May 2017 drop and weigh 38kg, with a 1.75” skin. Wether hoggets averaged $107.50 and grown wethers averaged $101.50.
First cross ewe lambs averaged $190 and sold to a top of $212. This top price went to a line of 10 to 12 month old lambs from Wellington, NSW.
Out of Kerin Poll Merino ewes and by Lynwood Border Leicester rams, these vendor bred ewes weigh 51.1kgs. Young first cross ewes averaged $220 and sold to a top of $243. This top price went to a line of 11 to 12 month old ewes weighing 71kg from Tullamore, NSW.
Out of Belswick Merino ewes and by Glamis Border Leicester rams, these ewes are vendor bred.
Store lamb numbers this week topped at 13,802 head and saw a 94% clearance.
The highlight was a 2-way split lot of Border Leicester/ Merino mixed sex lambs, which sold for $127.50, from Bellata, NSW. Totalling 1,100 head, these lambs are March/ May 2017 drop and weigh 33kg.