Butt Livestock and Property sold XB lambs on behalf of Tallawong Pastoral Co, Yass to a sale top of$195.6ph
Heavy new season lambs sold from $152 to $166/head at SELX Yass.
Lamb numbers lifted and there were 1,900 new season lambs. Quality was mixed with good runs of trade new season lambs and a few pens of excellent heavy weights along with an increase in lighter lambs.
Old lambs were fair in quality with heavy weights limited. Merino lambs were mostly medium weights and there were several pens of heavy hoggets. The usual group of buyers attended the dearer market.
New season restocking lambs sold to $117/head. Medium and heavy trade weights were $5 to $6 dearer and ranged from $124 to $145/head, to average 620c/kg cwt.
Old trade weights were firm to $8 dearer and ranged between $113 and $139/head. Heavy lambs $133 to $161 and extra heavy lambs reached $195.20/head.
Carcase prices ranged from 570c to 600c/kg cwt. Merino lambs sold from $126 to $148/head for the trade weights. Best of the heavy hoggets reached $140/head.
Mutton numbers fell with the decrease coming in fewer wethers. Merino ewes were best supplied and quality was a bit plainer but still contained plenty of well covered medium and heavy weights.
Prices gained $5 to $12/head. Medium weight ewes sold from $84 to $114 and heavy crossbred ewes reached $139/head. Carcase prices ranged from 380c to 420c/kg cwt.
Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service – CLICK HERE for full MLA report.