LambEx 2018 will be working with Australian industry stakeholders to attract international interest.
Planning has hit top gear for the biggest lamb industry conference in the country – LambEx – with a new date, a new venue and an international focus.
LambEx will return to Perth from August 5-7, 2018, and the venue has been set as the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre – right in the heart of the city.
Conference Chair Bindi Murray said LambEx 2018 planning started in earnest last week with the first full day meeting of the Organising Committee on Friday.
“With nearly 20 people on the Organising Committee and another 46 people on the working groups contributing ideas for what we want to achieve, we are glad to have unprecedented industry involvement in setting the direction of LambEx,” she said.
“There is such a great buzz around the event and the concepts being developed. We’ve even had unprecedented interest in the event from exhibitors before the prospectus has even been released.
“I’m excited by the opportunity to lead the Organising Committee to deliver a fantastic event so make sure you get out your diary and mark LambEx 2018 from August 5 to 7 in it – you will not want to miss it!”
Ms Murray said from the original planning meeting held in June, the LambEx team – which now included professional conference organiser AgCommunicators – had been overwhelmed with interest.
“Moving to August 5-7 ensures that we have the capability to accommodate and seat all the delegates for the conference and dinner, as well as hosting a significant trade exhibition supported by live sheep displays,” she said.
“We are really excited to be at the PCEC – it’s a fabulous space for us to be able to showcase all that is sensational about the sheep and lamb industry. With up to 5000 square metres, there is double the exhibition space of previous events so we will literally be able to fit whatever exhibitors want to bring.
“In addition to a change of date, it’s a change of day – we will be starting on the Sunday evening with the Welcome Function and running the event on the Monday and Tuesday with a raft of post-conference tours heading north and south from Perth on the Wednesday so we really aren’t shying away from mixing things up and trying something new.
“Our role from here on in is to continue to grow the event and showcase our awesome and innovative Australian sheep and lamb industry.”
Ms Murray said LambEx 2018 would be working with Australian industry stakeholders to attract international interest.
“Australian producers are world leaders in the production of lamb and wool and we have significant relationships in other trading countries so we will be leveraging these relationships to host international guests and raise the profile of LambEx 2018 on the world stage,” she said.
LambEx 2018 event partners are Meat & Livestock Australia, the WA Government Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development and WAMMCO.
Members of the 2018 Organising Committee include Chair Bindi Murray, producer and Sheep Alliance of WA; Jackie Kyte, Meat & Livestock Australia; Beth Paganoni, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development; Graeme Martin, University of WA; Andrew Thompson, Murdoch University; Brad Ipsen, WAMMCO; Scott Pickering, Stud Merino Breeders Association of WA; Kathleen Allan, Sheepmeat Council of Australia; Ian Robertson, WAFarmers; Kelly Pearce, Grower Group Alliance of WA; Ashley Herbert, AAAC; Clayton South, producer; Holly Ludeman, Harmony Agriculture and Food Company; Josh Sweeny, SCA; John Smoker, Muresk Institute; and Esther Jones, Sheep Alliance.
Visit www.lambex.com.au or contact Event Organiser, Rebecca Jeisman, AgCommunicators on rebecca.jeisman@agcommunicators.com.au or 08 8332 3277.