Amelia Park Bradnick Tammy tops spring selection sale

dairy-sale-11The DLS annual Spring Selection Sale was off to a great start when lot 1 Amelia Park Bradnick Tammy (ET) VG, backed by many gens of VG dams through to Canadian cow Roulache Grand Tamara, sold at $5100.

The next lot was her fresh calved Shadow daughter selling for $4400 selling to to N & M Staley of Yarram. Amelia Park Bradnick Tammy 2nd (ET) VG, a full sister to lot 1 sold at $4800.

Other noted sales of the Hylands Master Breeder herd included Amelia Park Bradnick Jewel 3 (Imp.ET.) at $4600 and Amelia Park Miss Reginald at $4500. Amelia Park Supersonic Bee sold at $4100 to Hawova Dairies of Finley, NSW.

The Tramar herd of Mark Symonds sold a line of close and fresh heifers including Tramar Bradnick Gabriella bred from the famed 2nd Wind family at $3700 to P & S Daniel and Tramar Contrast Chris at $3000 to D Crawford of Invergordon.

The Dispersed Lindon herd sold a line of quality heifers including 3 Red full ET sisters backed by gens of high class dams. Lindon Artiesky Kite sold at $5600, Lindon Artifire Kite sold at $4000 while Lindon Skyartie Kite sold at $3900.

Bruce Fuller sold an outstanding fresh 2nd calved cow Newhope Gillespy Summer backed by 7 gens of EX & VG dams at $3600.

Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report – 60 Holsteins av $2488.00
gross $149,250.00

Also included in the sale was a large line of Jerseys