Ben & Chris Bowman, Yass, with Sally Butt, Butt Livestock & Property, who sold their XB Lambs to a sale top of $190.2.
The few heavy weight lambs were around firm with the over 22kg 4 score old lambs selling from $145 to $190/head to average 600c/kg cwt at SELX.
Numbers lifted by 3,000 head for a yarding which included 4,300 new season lambs.
There were some good runs of well finished new season lambs along with a good percentage of light weights suitable for the restockers. Heavy weight lambs were in limited supply.
Light weight lambs to the processors were $5 cheaper with the 12-18kg 2 scores selling from $66 to $106/head.
Trade lambs were $12 cheaper with the trade weight new season lambs selling from $104 to $153/head, to average between 560c and 585c/kg cwt.
Trade weight old lambs sold from $97 to $138/head.
Merino lambs were up to $6 cheaper with the trade weights selling from $88 to $124/head. Restocker lambs were $9 cheaper selling from $53 to $108/head. Hoggets sold to $142/head.
It was a mostly good quality yarding of mutton where most grades were $6 to $9/head cheaper. 2 score ewes sold from $39 to $72 while the better 3 and 4 score sold from $74 to $111 for Merinos and $120/head for Dorpers. Merino wethers sold to $115/head.
Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service – CLICK HERE for full MLA report.