Ray White Rural Boorowa / Binalong sold XB Suckers to a sale top of $189 on behalf of Bethune Pastoral Co., Harden.
Light new season lambs to restockers sold from $85 to $116/head while trade weights sold $4 to $5 dearer and ranged from $119 to $140/head.
Lamb numbers eased at SELX and contained 1,900 new season lambs. The quality was a little more mixed with good trade lambs limited and plenty of lighter trade and store lambs.
Old lambs were very mixed and there were several good pens of heavy lambs. Merino lambs lifted in volume and most were lighter weights.
Heavy lambs received $144 to $150/head with a single pen to $189.60. Carcase prices averaged between 570c to 600c/kg for the better lambs.
Old trade lambs were $4 to $5 cheaper and ranged from $104 to $121 with heavy lambs $120 to $146/head. Extra heavy lambs topped at $177.60/head. Merino trade weights $111 to $131/head.
Mutton numbers were steady and quality mostly good. Merino wethers were better supplied and most had short skins.
Prices were eased by $2 to $4/head. Medium weight ewes ranged from $80 to $112/head. Heavy crossbred ewes $103 to $116/head. Merino wethers reached $128.60/head. Carcase prices 380c to 400c/kg for medium and heavy weights.
Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service – CLICK HERE for full MLA report.