Krishlaye Holsteins pay top cow price of $4400

Holstein-dispersalDairymen from all parts of Gippsland as well as Northern and Western Victoria were at the First Stage Complete Dispersal Sale of Sandara Holsteins of Robert Hanegraaf and Family of Yannathan held at the Warragul Selling Centre.

Sale top of $4400 was paid by Krishlaye Holsteins of Nerrena for Sandara Stanleycup Juliet a VG 87 4 year old that completed 5 gens. of VG.

The same buyers also purchased Sandara Talent Juliet 16, VG 88 for $3000.

Northern Victorian buyers G & C Peatling of Katunga selected several lots including Sandara Gillespy Felicity 35 a fresh calved heifer at $3200. Behmer Past. Co of Leongatha South also purchased several lots including Sandara Gillespy Astra 15 backed by 2 EX dams at $2900.

A & S Mackie of Meeniyan sold a select line of cows including Burn Brae Lavanguard Charisma a 9th gen. EX & VG at $3700 to Belinda Harris of Pound Creek.

Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report –

78 Cows gross $162,850.00 av $2088.00