Elections are to be held for two positions on the Board of Directors of Genetics Australia Co-operative Limited.
One Director whose term is expiring – Mr. Craig Drake has offered himself for, and is eligible for re-election.
One other Director – Mr. Rohan Sprunt is offering himself for, and is eligible for re-election after two years of his three year term in order to meet the requirement in the Rules that require two Directors to retire each year at a general meeting.
Nominations are invited for any active members of Genetics Australia Co-operative who may wish to nominate and stand against the incumbent Directors.
Active members of Genetics Australia wishing to nominate for election must do so by lodging their nomination at the Registered Office on or before 4:00pm on 20th October, 2017. A nomination must be signed by five or more members, must provide details of the qualifications and experience of the person being nominated and be accompanied by a notice in writing signed by the nominee consenting to their nomination.
A Director has a duty to act with due care and diligence, to act in good faith, to not gain an advantage by improper use of their position, to not misuse information and to prevent insolvent trading. A Director also has the responsibility of keeping confidential information confidential, to not disclose non-public information unless authorised by the Board or legally mandated and to not use information for an improper purpose.
The current base remuneration of a Director is $16,363.20 per annum plus superannuation. A Director is also entitled to receive $300 per day or $150 per half day for attendance to the business of the Co-operative that is additional to normal Board activities.
If the number of nominees exceeds the number of vacancies, the election of directors must be conducted either by ballot or at the annual general meeting in the manner the board directs.
Contact the Company Secretary, Tony Phillips, on 0417 927 539 or phillipstg@bigpond.com or Head Office on 03 5367 3888 for further details on nomination and election procedures and consult the GAC website www.genaust.com.au