First-cross ewe lambs top store sale at $131


Agstock topped today’s sale with 39 Border Leicester / Merino Lambs sold to a top of $131ph on behalf of Boigu Partnership, Berremangra.

First-cross ewe lambs topped the sale at $131 at SELX on Monday.

The store lamb sale had a total yarding of just under 3,800 new season lambs.

Off the back of wide spread rain, the prices were very strong ranging from $2.90/kg to 3.40/kg (live weight).

There was a good number of buyers in attendance, from Forbes to northern Victoria.

February drop lambs made up to $114. June/July suckers made up to $124, with the average being $111.

Market Report: James Tolmie & Corey Nicholson, Holman Tolmie Stock & Station Agents.


Category   $ / Hd
Ewe Lambs Top $131
Aver $131
XB Lambs Top $114
Aver $111
Suckers Top $124