Trade lambs rise $6-$9 and restocking lambs to $130


The Elders team topped the market today with XB Suckers sold on behalf of Tom & Chris Hughes, Bannister to a top of $210.2ph.

Trade lambs were $6 to $9/head dearer, with some plainer lambs offered and prices ranged from $131 to $175/head at SELX Yass this week.

Numbers were back for both lambs and mutton for the last sale of 2017.
Nearly 8,500 unshorn new season lambs were offered and while light 1 and 2 score lambs were back in numbers there was a good run of trade and heavy lambs.
Restockers were active on the light weights and a smaller than usual trade and export group of buyers kept the trade and heavy lambs firm to slightly cheaper. Mutton numbers fell in a mixed quality yarding.

Restocking lambs sold firm and sold from $ 88 to $130/head.

Heavy lambs were in demand and lifted $15 to $18, to range from $166 to $204, with extra heavy lambs reaching $210/head. Lambs averaged 700c to 755c/kg cwt. Hogget sold to $170 for a few very heavy weights.

Mutton fell in numbers and prices eased. Medium weight ewes sold from $93 to $116/head. Heavy crossbreds reached $130 and long skinned Merino ewes $141/head. Next sale is 3 January 2018.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.
Category $ / Hd
Suckers XB Top $210.20
Aver $148.28
Lambs Merino Top $71.60
Aver $50.08
Lambs XB Top $190.00
Aver $130.21
Hoggets XB Top $170.60
Aver $138.69
Wethers Merino Top $116.20
Aver $105.76
Ewes XB Top $130.00
Aver $100.02
Ewes Merino Top $141.20
Aver $91.38
Top Quotes

Tom Hughes, Goulburn, (ELD), 210; K&W Skelly, Crookwell, (DUN), 204; DA & KR Logan, Crookwell, (AND), 200; DA & KR Logan, Crookwell, (AND), 192; WP Cummins, Crookwell, (AND), 191.

Nicholas Foster, Marulan, (LAN), 190; AW & GK Geikie, Tharwa, (LAN), 178; GA & LE Oakley, Young, (HOL), 169; SA & AM Craig, Taralga, (HAL), 168; Mr Tully, Cook, (ELD), 166.

Hollow Mount Pastoral Co, Bigga, (LAN), 141; JH & CC Nyveld, Yass, (HOL), 130; PT & KC Walker, Yass, (ELD), 130; RI Parkman & Co, Young, (DEL), 124; Robert A Anderson, Crookwell, (LAN), 124; Chris Brown, Binda, (LAN), 124.

Gregory Bush, Yass, (LAN), 116; Wayne Slater, Murrumbateman, (ELD), 116; BJ & KN McIntosh, Crooked Corner, (AND), 116; Belinda Minehan, Bevondale, (LAN), 110; Belinda Minehan, Bevondale, (LAN), 105.