First cross ewe lambs were well represented with larger lines listed across NSW & VIC and prices ranging from $120 to $206 and averaged $167 on AuctionsPlus.
The top offering was a run of February/ March 2017 drop lambs weighing 48kgs from Trangie NSW. Young ewes sold well to average $201 with prices ranging from $120 to $271.
The top line went to a strong offering of 65kg young breeders by Hewitt’s blood Border Leister Rams from Great Western, Vic.
Sheep numbers on the box gained momentum from last week’s initial 2018 sales with consignments totaling 100, 727 head across 6 commercial sales, seeing an overall increase of 17, 895 head.
Numbers consisted of a good selection of store lambs and strong offerings from Tasmania, with a total listing just shy of 9,000 head.
Buyer demand lacked the intensity of last week however, with clearance rates at auction dropping by 14% to total 64%, resulting in a fluctuating and slightly cheaper market across most offerings, consistent with wider interstate market trends from the week.
Merino ewe lamb prices fell to average $135 with lots selling between $105 and $166. The top price went to a strong line of August shorn, Borambil blood lambs from Narrandera, NSW weighing 40kgs.
Ewe hoggets showed good condition across the board and sold well to keen bidding, averaging $189, an increase of $19 from last week.
The top price ewes at auction sold for $251 to a lot of 17-18-month-old station bred maiden ewe hoggets weighing 43kgs from Epping Forest in Tasmania.
Mixed age & older ewes held firm with prices ranging between $90 and $198 to average $148. Two runs of NSM ewes aged 2.5 & 3.5 years from a self -replacing merino flock in Armidale, NSW sold well and will be making the 1500km journey south-west to Warrock in VIC.
Merino wether lambs sold from $70 to $115 for an average of $102. The top offering went to a lot with Egelabra bloodlines showing quality wool cutting potential from Nyngan, NSW.
Grown wethers sold tightly between $102 and $135, holding their value from last week with an average of $114. The top price was attained by a quality line of October shorn Cottage Park blood woolcutters weighing 53kgs from Berridale, NSW.
Crossbred ewe highlights included a line of 2-3-year-old second cross SIL White Dorpers from Nyngan, NSW sell locally for $210. A solid offering of well grown SAMM lambs weighing 47kgs from Ivanhoe, NSW sold for $190.