Global leader in bovine reproduction at ABS seminar

DNAThe ABS Australia beef seminar features one of the world’s leaders in bovine reproduction, Dr Cliff Lamb, South African born and now head of Texas A&M cattle programs.

The seminar will be held at the Albury Commercial Club on Monday, March 19 from 1.30pm.

This is Cliff’s third visit to Australia; this seminar Cliff will outline the most effective in terms of results, labour and cost to do FTAI; also Cliff will discuss issues of embryo loss, the Check list to FTAI with minerals, transportation, feeding management.

Cliff will discuss the life time analysis of the beef cow, feed efficient as it applies to terminal and does it apply to maternal pasture base.

Cliff will also give us a view of the next ten years with Pregnancy testing; and the role of stem cells. Cliff is a hands on man and while researching and teaching he is very much in the field doing the job as well.

Mark Lucas’s talk will certainly be thought provoking as he discusses plant and animal genetics; combined with environment and climate. Also a suggestion on what the next few seasons hold for southern Australia.

The seminar is also the release of the ABS HCR app for smart phones. This app will allow farmers to submit their cattle pregnancy results by AI and then source sires with superior conception rates.

Lachlan Ayoub from Zoetis will discuss the Zoetis AngusSelect Program

Every day a cow is not raising or is not pregnant is costing a farmer about $2.50 a day. The app is also supported some of Dr Lamb’s work where he increased the profitability of a 300 head cow herd by over $50,000 just through utilizing the programs.

Monday is the breeders informal buffet dinner combined with a small auction for Beyond Blue; the dinner is a lot of fun

Tuesday is viewing of both ABS sired and non ABS sired groups of cattle at Dunoon and Ardrossan. The progeny are sire group, it is a tremendous event and allows cattle producers to see firsthand how sire lines are breeding. Lunch is at Ardrossan new property Talmalmo Station.

Wednesday those that missed Monday, or those wishing just to hear Dr Cliff Lamb there is a workshop in the Dawson Room at the Atura Hotel Dean St from 10 to noon.

Over 70 have registered from SA, TAS, NSW and QLD, all we ask if you are coming to any of the events is to register by before 9AM Friday 16th March for catering purposes.